The Brain Injury Glossary was edited by L. Don Lehmkuhl, PhD, of the Texas Medical Center. Copyright 1992, by HDI Publishers. Special thanks to HDI publishing for allowing us to include their Brain Injury Glossary. In its complete form, the Glossary contains over 800 terms and definitions. HDI offers a range of literature on the many and varied aspects of TBI. In addition to materials for professionals, HDI also publishes manuals for families, survivors, and those with whom they interact. Thanks also to Daniel Gardner, M.D. who provided us with the digital copy of the glossary.
Complete copies of this glossary and/or a complete HDI catalog can be ordered from: HDI Publishers PO Box 131401 Houston, TX 77219 Toll Free (800) 321-7037 Fax (713) 526-7787 Local (713) 526 6900
When Your Patient is Living with Brain Injury – Pamphlet from The American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM) for physicians treating individuals living with chronic brain injury sequelae
CBIRT – Center on Brain Injury Research and Training
Services, Resources, and Support The following organizations and offices provide information, databases of service providers, and other resources related to TBI
Brain Trauma Foundation (BTF) The foundation conducts research, offers continuing education for health care professionals, and develops guidelines for treating TBI.
National Rehabilitation Information Center (NARIC) NARIC collects and disseminates articles and other publications resulting from National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research–funded research.
Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services This office, within the U.S. Department of Education, provides information about special education services for children with disabilities, including those from TBI.
Administration for Community Living (ACL) This agency, within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is responsible for increasing access to community supports, while focusing attention and resources on the unique needs of older Americans and people with disabilities across the lifespan.
TBI National Resource Center The resource center provides articles and FAQs for people with TBI and their families.
Concussion Coach App Concussion Coach is a mobile phone application for Service members, Veterans, and others who have experienced a mild to moderate concussion. It provides portable tools and information to facilitate managing TBI. Features include:
A self-assessment tool for measuring symptoms, with feedback and a graph for tracking symptoms over time
Tools and relaxation exercises for relieving symptoms associated with a concussion
Planning tools to build resilience
Educational materials about concussions and options for treatment by brain injury professionals
Immediate access to crisis resources, personal support contacts, and professional health care resources
Organizations and General Resources Related to Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)